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High School Access Program

Many K-12 schools focus on preparing scholars for college and the workforce. These are valuable, important goals, but succeeding in high school is a necessary first step before scholars can get into college or apply for most of the jobs they aspire to have.


High School Access is the commitment to helping all scholars understand the importance of high school, investigate which high schools best support their goals, and gain admission to the high schools that support their goals.

Below is an overview of what high school access looks like at NV Prep Charter School.


In kinder to 2nd grade,  Nevada Prep teachers are exposing the children to college and career vocabulary, and building the foundation to become independent learners and leaders.


In 3rd - 7th grade, Nevada Prep teachers talk frequently about high school. Teachers help scholars build a strong foundation of academic skills and habits that will contribute to success in high school. Scholars learn about high school role models and take field trips to high schools so they start to visualize themselves as successful high school scholars.


In 8th grade, scholars participate in a high school access to make final decisions about which high schools to apply to. They work with the placement coach to submit excellent applications and gain admission to selective high schools. 



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