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Nevada Prep Chromebook Rental Agreement

Dear Scholars & Families:


Please review the information below and complete the form linked at the bottom of the page so we can issue your child a tech bundle. This page is a simplified version of the agreement between Nevada Prep, scholars, and families about borrowing a school Chromebook.


Nevada Prep invests significant resources to purchase high quality technology for all scholars. We choose to spend a bit more money for features like HD monitors (to protect scholars’ eyes), touchscreens, 3-in-1 models (so scholars can use the devices in laptop, tablet, and tent mode), etc. because we want scholars to have the best experience possible.

This means we need scholars and families to understand how important it is to take great care of their tech. We hope to use these devices for years into the future, but we can only do that if scholars take great care of them now.


Below is a sample price list for a scholar tech bundle:

  • Chromebook: $450

  • Headphones: $20

  • Extra Charger: $20

  • Protective Laptop Sleeve: $15

  • Total: $505


We provide these prices, mainly to emphasize to scholars how valuable these tools are. We don’t want to scare them, but we do want them to be responsible for these expensive products. Technology is free for all scholars, and we are very understanding of accidental damage. But we are not accommodating when scholars are destructive or negligent with their tech.


Nevada Prep expects regular wear-and-tear to occur because scholars use their devices frequently, so we do not expect scholars and families to pay for expected wear (small scratches, worn out paint on keys, etc.). However, Nevada Prep will expect families to pay the service fee or repairs for Chromebooks that are subjected to obvious negligence or destructive treatment. Any scholars who destroy a high-quality device will need to work on a lower-cost, lower-quality device until they can arrange for their device to be replaced.


Most scholars have taken great care of their tech devices. So, thank you!


Middle School Scholars are allowed, and encouraged to take their Chromebooks home during the week and on weekends. There is lots of work scholars can access from home like lifework, missing work, and catching up on their ongoing assignments (Khan Academy, Reading Plus, and Everfi). Taking Chromebooks home is a big responsibility that we want scholars to take very seriously. 


Please help us ensure scholars are using their Chromebooks safely and productively at home by reminding scholars how to effectively take care of their devices. 


At this time, Elementary Scholars are not allowed to take their Chromebooks home. 


We believe that the best way to ensure responsibly and safe internet use on school devices is to remind scholars that no activity on school computers or with school accounts is anonymous or private. On campus, we have a filtered internet connection that blocks dangerous and adult web sites. We also use a tool called Go Guardian which flags inappropriate or dangerous web activity, blocks sites, and reports inappropriate activity to school’s tech leaders. There are also some security and content filtering options built in to Google.


We have shared this information consistently with scholars, but we had to restrict access to scholar email accounts for the past few weeks because of some inappropriate emails that were flagged by Google. We hope to turn email back on in the near future because it is an important tool for scholars to learn to use.


We will continue to use the most effective tools available to keep scholars safe online, but if scholars are using the internet at home, it is parents’ responsibility to ensure that other appropriate structures are in place.

Scholars will gain or lose privileges based on their responsible technology use. For example, scholars who consistently attempt to access unapproved sites during lessons will be placed on a more restrictive list in Go Guardian that will limit the sites they can visit. We do not like doing this, but if scholars cannot manage their online behavior, we need to use this feature to ensure that learning happens.


  1. Some parents have chosen to store scholar Chromebooks in a specific location like a locked drawer or the parents’ room outside of schoolwork times.

  2. Many parents choose to set up a content filter on their home internet connection for one additional layer of protection.

  3. We have set up a parent account for every scholar in Go Guardian. This allows you to see what your child is working on or searching at any time or to receive alerts and flags about your child’s internet activity. You can set up your Parent Go Guardian account here. Please contact [email protected] for help setting up your Go Guardian account.


Nevada Prep teachers and scholars use technology daily to enhance learning. Sending home Chromebooks with scholars one or more days per week is an important way to save paper and improve learning (especially on Fridays).


This note is not intended to scare anyone, but it is intended to provide a reminder that while most scholars are using tech responsibly, enough scholars are not, that we need all families to review this information before we send home a large number of expensive devices.


 Thank you for your partnership!


Please click the button below to complete a very brief survey and confirm if you want your child to take a school Chromebook home.