Science 6B Assignments

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Bioluminescence in Plankton Infographic in Google Classroom

Bioluminescence in Plankton Infographic


Board Game Template in Google Classroom

Board Game Template

If you need a good starting point with your board game design use this one.


Instruction Manuals in Google Classroom

Instruction Manuals

Checklist: your instruction manual should include the following pieces of information: 

Game Title
Game description
Recommended number of players
Set up instructions
Gameplay instructions
Any instructions for cards or special pieces

You should also decorate your instructions to match your game. The game board and manual should match in theme, colors, and fonts. Feel free to use my template below or ANY bifold template here:


Card Template  in Google Classroom

Card Template

Hi 6th Grade,

I am linking a template of the cards I made for my game. If you need a starting place, these may be helpful. 


Designing Your 3D Game Pieces - 2/28/23 in Google Classroom

Designing Your 3D Game Pieces - 2/28/23

Hi 6th Grade,
If you have not completed the TinkerCad tutorials from yesterday, please start there. Finish all the tutorials before jumping into designing. 
Once you complete the tutorials start by planning out what 3D elements you want in your game. Your 3D element MUST fit into one of these categories: Player Pieces, Moving/Roll Counters, and Game Board Architecture. Examples of each are provided after the instructions. 
Once you've decided what type of 3D element your game will have, start making a model of it in TinkerCad. If time and the teacher permits, please collaborate on these designs by showing others and getting feedback. Good feedback follows this general model, "I like how you did __________, maybe try doing ____________ to improve it."
Make a couple different options, this will allow you to have choices later!
Categories for 3D elements: 
Player pieces - characters, objects, or shapes that track the players movements during the game. Each player gets one. Ex. In Monopoly you can play as the dog, the thimble, the top hat, the race-car, etc. 
Moving/Roll Counters - tools the game uses to show players how many spaces to move during their turn. Ex. The Game of Life uses a spinner to randomly choose a number, and in the game Monopoly you roll dice. 
Game Board Architecture - objects that are part of the game's geography for function and aesthetic. Ex. The game Mouse Trap (video linked below) has 3D elements that can "catch" the player pieces causing them to lose. Also, in the game Villainous there is a cauldron that holds coins for the players to share. 
Thank you 6th Grade.


Microsoft MakeCode Skill Map - Intro to Computer Science in Google Classroom

Microsoft MakeCode Skill Map - Intro to Computer Science

Hi Scholars!

This week we are starting on a Computer Science unit. We will be working on building a game using on online tool called Microsoft Makecode. To introduce this new skill we will using block coding in a tutorial activity linked below. This skill map will walk you through all the steps necessary to building a game or your own. This is just a tutorial. After the tutorial you will start to plan your own game to build!

1. Go to in the link below.
2. At the top, click "Sign-in" 
3. You can use your Microsoft Account (Minecraft Login) or your Google Account to log in.
4. After signing in, you can begin the first puzzle piece and continue on as you finish each step. 

**As long as you are signed it will save your progress. 

When your are finished you will get a completion screen. Take a screenshot of it by clicking Ctrl & Show Windows (the button with the rectangle and two lines, []ll < like this). Please ask for help if you need it.


Lab Reflection in Google Classroom

Lab Reflection


Minecraft Cell Model Project - Graded Project in Google Classroom

Minecraft Cell Model Project - Graded Project

We are learning all about cells and their functions throughout this unit in sixth grade science. Each of you will create you own model of a cell! You may choose either a Plant Cell or an Animal Cell. We will be building our Cell Models in Minecraft Education Edition. 

Remember: Minecraft Education Edition is a fun application that we often use for gaming. HOWEVER, it is also a useful science education tool. It is important that you are able to use it for both reasons. We can and should have fun using Minecraft, but it is important that you are following ALL directions and building what is asked of you. Please be creative while making sure you are still meeting expectations. 

Build the model of your cell in Minecraft Education Edition making sure to complete ALL parts.
Attach your game file to this assignment - Teachers will support you!
Complete your Student Score Rubric - Printed and passed out to you. 
When all parts are complete please be sure to submit this assignment!